One of our ladies in Texas sent me a note regarding a video stream called Ministry Streams. We had 3 weeks till conference. When I came to check out what Ministry Streams had to offer, my spirit leaped. I just knew that I knew, this was for us, however there were a few problems. I didn't have a camera or a laptop that was accessible for the stream, the church location did not have an Internet and we didn't have a lot of money. Before I knew it the techs were praying for me and all of Firestorm. Next, they were showing me all the things I needed and giving me wise counsel. Then, God took over.
God brought forth a camera and a laptop from friends in our ministry and a neighbor who lived next door to the church brought a booster router from his house to give us Internet access. Next, God put it on hearts in our ministry to donate. We received the needed monies to help set up our account and get us up and running the day before the conference was to start. What I am saying to you is that God blessed Firestorm and our partnering with Ministry Streams.
The team at Ministry streams are user friendly. They worked tirelessly with setting up our account, our Website, helping people get our video stream, spent time with our tech people checking and setting our video feed and much more. They became a part of us and was quick to pray for me and our ministry to rise up to this new level in sharing about Jesus.
The friendships we build at Ministry Streams plus the technical abilities and willingness to help us were a great blessing. And oh yes, by the way, the video stream of our 3 day conference was seen all over the world and the quality was rated by all who watched as second to none -- EXCELLENT! Our friends from all over were so excited to finally "see" us and joined in with their comments through the chat room feature below the video feed. We had the best of two worlds. They could see and they could share.
There is no doubt in my mind or spirit that Ministry Streams is a network that God has His Hand upon. Working together with the Ministry Streams team brings far more to the table than just a video stream for your ministry. It is a coming together of ministries to build a real God Network of those God is raising up for such a time as this. Ministries who are hearing the voice of God and care about Him and His People. It is no longer about us, but what God can do through us. We are joining up with Ministry Streams to enable God access to do what He wants to do through us on a higher level. Thank you to all our friends at Ministry Streams for plowing the fields. Let's Plant! (08-14-2011)
Follow-Up Testimony (September 14, 2011) Just a short update to let you know how much all of us here on Firestorm Ministry are enjoying your Ministry Streams platforms. WOW! What a difference this is making in the way people look at our ministry and receive the Word of God. The fellowship is so much more personal and above all, the Presence of the Lord in the rooms is INCREDIBLE. We do not have the connection problems anymore and the peace that brings is awesome. Blessings and thanks to you and all your staff. ~ Bonnie Nelson, Firestorm Ministry (September 14, 2011)
Your technical support, on our first broadcast, went above and beyond to make sure it went off without a hitch and continues to provide impeccable service, knowledge and understanding of the needs, not only for us, the client, but for our viewers as well. The staff at MinistryStreams.com are patient and take the time to explain the details of the project at hand to give the client an understanding and knowledge and to educate about the ins-and-outs to help make the clients project become a success.
Not only is your service state-of-the-art, but the quality of the features and options to fit the exact need to get the job done right without unnecessary applications. I would recommend MinistryStreams.com to anyone who is either considering or has a small project to a large media production. We look forward to continuing working with you with our current and future endeavors. Blessings to MinistryStreams.com! ~ Sincerely, Rev. Emmett & Susan Butts (Unite & Ignite for Revival Int.)
(06/03/11)Ps Mark further states (after continued use): "A fantastic ministry tool - quality resource to give your ministry and message a conduit of excellence. (01/23/11)
I absolutely love the new add-on features of their web-streaming platform. Before these new features were added, we could only stream the services and the live text chat. Now we can stream the service and the Bible verses together plus the worship, missionaries pictures, maps, and more to all of our web-stream friends. The responses we have received after using this new feature has been a blessing to the QTM broadcasting team. There is no other web-streaming company who has enhanced our ministry as that of Ministry Streams. I highly recommend Ministry Stream to your ministry.